MALDEF and the Latino Redistricting Task Force react to creation of single additional Latino-majority House district for 2012 elections

SAN ANTONIO, TX – In response to the three-judge federal panel’s order adopting an interim redistricting plan for 2012 state House elections in Texas, Nina Perales, MALDEF Vice President of Litigation and lead counsel for the Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force in Perez v. Perry, provided the following statement:

“The court’s plan is inferior to the compromise House plan offered by the State of Texas and the Latino Redistricting Task Force because the court interim plan fails to create an additional Latino-majority House district in Nueces County. At the very least the court should have accepted a plan that met legal requirements and that reflected what the State was willing to offer to increase Latino political opportunity. We expect to continue to advocate in court for the creation of a permanent plan that incorporates additional Latino electoral opportunity.”