The deadline to apply to serve on California’s new Citizens Redistricting Commission has been extended to February 16, 2010 at 5 p.m. We still need qualified Latinos to apply. Please submit your application online to
In 2008, California voters passed Proposition 11, creating California’s first-ever citizens redistricting commission. Since passage of Proposition 11, we have been working diligently with the state to ensure that the implementing regulations emphasize the importance of the Voting Rights Act and the creation of a commission that represents all of the communities that make up our state. Now, we need your help. With a state as big and diverse as California, who draws the lines — and how those lines are drawn — will truly shape the future of our state.
We need you to apply to serve on the commission that will draw California’s senate, assembly and board of equalization districts.
Why should you get involved? The commission will hold meetings around the state and take testimony from residents about their communities and neighborhoods and how they think the legislature should reflect the entire state. Commissioners will make important decisions that will affect the political representation of every community in California for the next decade.
“The commission’s work will have a profound effect on policymaking in California for the next decade and beyond. Given the importance of the task and the lengthy and complicated selection process established by Prop. 11, it is critically important that each and every qualified potential commissioner apply to serve in this critical capacity, ” stated Thomas A. Saenz, MALDEF President and General Counsel.
You may be the right person for this job — or you may know someone who is. To learn more about this opportunity — how to apply, what is expected, the selection process, or how to help recruit applicants visit for more details. Applications for the commission will be accepted online between December 15, 2009 and February 16, 2010. You can find more information at
“Without a diverse applicant pool, the commission will not reflect California’s diversity. We need qualified Latinos who have an interest in public service and in shaping California’s political landscape for the next decade to apply to be a commissioner,” stated Nancy Ramirez, MALDEF Western Regional Counsel.